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What made David such a great man was not his accomplishments or accrued wealth, but his acknowledgment of a greater power and purpose in good and bad times. He had moments where he reacted, but most of his moments were responses, positive reactions to his circumstances. As humans in the 21st century, we are taught to react negatively to things that happen. It’s a set up from the get up. Our posture in the universe will inform how and when we “go out on a W.I.M.” to declare the power of God in our ever-changing lives. The key to achieving higher levels of favor is to follow the example of King David, and unapologetically affirm that you are loved and cared for.

Consider each situation of your life as an honor. Resist reactions and embrace responses. Shift your perspective, your W.I.M. from the “woe is me” to the “Whoa! It’s me!”. It’s you that is being renewed, elevated, healed, transformed, perfected. Then wait and watch for God to show you miracles worth shouting about. With every blessing, new mercy and breakthrough, go “OUT ON A W.I.M.” and declare the power and presence of God with new understanding. Your self-affirmation, even in rough times, will become infectious, and by seeing the light in your life, others will be inspired to go out on a “W.I.M.” with you.

Out On A W.I.M. – Turning Woe to Whoa!  was originally published on

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