About WPZZ Praise Richmond

Isaiah Freeman's family is disappointed in their son's Virginia private school after they told the student he had to cut his dreadlocks if he wanted to stay at the institution.

With the recent death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, the nation is on the brink of what could turn out to be one of the most contentious appointments in history. Appointed by Ronald Reagan, Scalia was staunchly conservative and interpreted the constitution closely. He was also notoriously anti-abortion, pro-death penalty and anti-affirmative action. Just weeks before […]

Meet the designer responsible for getting Mattel to create a dark skin Barbie AND making sure Michelle Obama looked fly in the White House family portrait!

Raising alarm, scientists in Brazil show that a more common mosquito can carry the Zika virus. But it's undetermined if the species can transmit the virus to humans.

Luxury fashion brand Dolce & Gabbana isn't new to claims of cultural appropriation, but their latest fumble has reached a devastating new low.

I’ll never brag but I’m just sayin’!!!! The Monacan Chiefs wore this message on their warm up shirts “Make Em Believe.” Words are powerful and they did make believers out of the undefeated Loudoun Valley. #Tre10 Congratulations to the Monacan Chiefs and their win over the undefeated 26-0, I might add, Loudoun Valley. It was […]

After Saldana tried to salvage the controversy by quoting the late artist on Twitter, the estate asked her to "take Nina's name out your mouth. For the rest of your life." The estate continued to grieve over the film on Twitter, calling it "painful."

Actor and comedian David Alan Grier set off a frenzy on Thursday when he took to Twitter to announce he would be taking over as Kentucky Fried Chicken's Col. Sanders. The news of Grier becoming the fast food company's top pitch man was shot down by a KFC executive, the New York Daily News reports.

Melissa Harris-Perry is the perfect example of progressive Black Women making waves in today’s world. She epitomizes what having it all looks like. She holds a Doctorate Degree, is the Maya Angelou Presidential Chair at Wake Forest University, leads a nation of #Nerdland followers, is a mother and a wife, and, until recently, the host of […]

Don't underestimate the (black) power of fashion.