About WPZZ Praise Richmond

The world's most famous hacktivist group has expressed its interest in recognizing the "real people underneath the hoods" while holding the KKK accountable for spreading hate.

Losing a child is hard. It does not matter whether it is a child or an adult. That loss can either break you or make…

Losing a child is hard. It does not matter whether it is a child or an adult. That loss can either break you or make…

Alonzo Smith was known by friends and co-workers as a hard working man that was "destined for greatness."

Sharing unsuspecting people's private information online isn't justice-it's Internet terrorism.

Bush 41 openly talked about how he felt Cheney was pre-occupied with building "his own empire" while Rumsfeld was too dismissive of other's ideas.

Police fatally shot a 6-year-old child, making Jeremy Mardis the youngest person to be killed by police this year and proving that police practices across the board should be examined, no matter which communities they serve.