About WPZZ Praise Richmond

  Your vote is your voice, your right and your power. A “no vote from you is a “yes” vote for the candidate you don’t…

In a world that continues to grapple with notions of race, a loving father writes a series of letters that speak into the life of…

    It’s tight but it’s right! This is a great day to be alive so live it, give it, share it and most of…

The anticipation among fans, the cast, and the others behind the hit show has certainly been building over the past several weeks and in recent…

Watch video of her performance on the next page. <!--nextpage-->

Brussels sprouts are a cultivar of the same species that includes cabbage, collard greens, broccoli, kale, and kohlrabi; they are cruciferous. They contain good amounts…

    There are two top contenders in the Virginia governor’s race for 2013  Democrat Terry McAuliffe and Republican Ken Cuccinelli. Cuccinelli is currently the Attorney General for…

Comedian/ventriloquist Willie Brown is bringing his hilarious brand of clean comedy to television with the upcoming reality television comedy special “Willie Brown & Friends Gospel…

Comedian/ventriloquist Willie Brown is bringing his hilarious brand of clean comedy to television with the upcoming reality television comedy special “Willie Brown & Friends Gospel…

I have always loved the benefits of rising early; but over the last few months while dealing with sleeping issues, rising early has gone out…

Mary Mary’s Tina and Erica Campbell, are facing legal action from Mitchell Solarek at Maximum Artist Group in a court in Tennessee over claims the…

Kirk Franklin‘s new group The Walls is setting the  world on fire! Hailing from Houston, TX, The Walls Group’s parents, Roger and Alicia, are both…