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Eric Garner's Mother, Gwen Carr, responds to NYPD's ultimatum to DOJ over the cops involved in her son's killing.

Friday the 13th may be unlucky for some, but for many right here in Richmond, Virginia it provided an evening of healing and empowerment. The community joined the Kiss Crew and Ms. Community Clovia at the Stay Focused Hair Salon for the latest Barbershop Talk. https://www.instagram.com/p/BlNoYAzBb-m/?hl=en&taken-by=kissrichmond   Located at 1306 E Brookland Park Blvd., the […]

The community of Richmond come together to celebrate Mrs. Walker’s 154 birthday.

Watch this exclusive clip from an upcoming episode of "We're The Campbells."

In addition to shopping her looks, Gurira's campaign includes an open letter to her younger self, which will also motivate and inspire you.

Bishop T.D. Jakes is an author, senior pastor at The Potter's House and so much more.

"We're The Campbells" has been a special show that so many love and enjoy.

You know that dance to Drake's new song going viral all across the nation? Shelby 5 and Kirk Franklin put a gospel spin on it!

She stressed that it's "unfathomable" that cousin Dee Warwick could have ever abused the iconic singer.