News One

News One

Several of Nate Parker's Penn State classmates released a statement regarding the decades-old rape case.

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Hillary Clinton and Paul Ryan have apparently reached across the aisle to support a ground-breaking anti-poverty plan.

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Green Party presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein explains why African-Americans should vote for her in the 2016 presidential election.

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Retired Lieutenant General Russel L. Honoré discusses the aftermath of the historic Louisiana floods.

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In recent days, Donald Trump has recalibrated his presidential campaign to reach out to Black voters. The GOP’s presidential nominee talked about the problems Black communities are facing and how he’s the person to fix them. The problem with Trump’s attempt to attract African-American voter support is that he’s making his appeal to Blacks in front […]

Longtime journalist and champion of the Black press, George Curry, passed away on Saturday of a heart attack in Maryland at the age of 69.

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As Blacks gain more wealth, they generally move to richer, Whiter neighborhoods, but a new report has debunked that idea.

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Donald Trump is continuing his misguided attempt to woo Black voters with a simple question: "What do you have to lose?"

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Roland Martin battled Ken Reed, a White Lives Matter activist, over its protest at the NAACP headquarters in Houston.

News One

If you are Black in America, chances are you know of someone who needs an organ donation. But how many of us have filled out an organ donation card? According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, African-Americans compose the largest group of minorities on the organ donation list at thirty percent, but only make up […]

News One

During a recent interview with The La Crosse Tribune, Donald Trump expressed this belief that “economically,” the 1700s and early 1800s were a good time for America. The GOP presidential nominee also explained his affinity for the Reagan years. The La Crosse Tribune reported: Trump, whose campaign slogan is “Make America Great Again!” said he […]

News One

Widespread flooding in Louisiana continues to wreak havoc and the water is still rising; forecasters predict more rain is on the way.