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There are things that your pastor would love to say to you but is afraid to say. There are things that your pastor wishes he could be more direct about.

Many of us attend some type of service weekly. A few of us attend yearly. The  fact of the matter is that it us always great for those of us weekly people here those who don’t attend or attend and do not participate. Here are three things your Pastor won’t say to you, but I as a Christian will.

I can’t treat you as more important just because you are rich.

“Ministry needs money in order to happen. It is a simple fact of life. In this world, people who are rich are considered to be worthy of attention simply because they are wealthy. Money speaks louder than anything. This is true of this world but is not supposed to be true of the church. And yet it is. Pastors get seduced by lunches at the club, bonuses from ‘anonymous’ church members who really aren’t anonymous, rounds of golf at exclusive courses and other unofficial perks. Your pastor probably knows that Jesus is most evident among the poor, but still she is expected to be more available to those more ‘influential’ members. Any pastor can tell you that if he makes a rich person mad, then the flow of money can get cut off and the screws get tightened. Frankly, it’s blackmail. Christians are supposed to treat each other as “one in Christ.” If you are rich, try and be humble for God’s sake.

You are not as loving as you think you are.

“Every church I have ever had the honor of being a part of has considered itself ‘loving.’ Yet none of them were perceived as such by anyone outside their own membership. It takes no effort to love those close to you, and it is certainly not a virtue. Even Hitler had a girlfriend. Jesus calls us to love radically and fearlessly. A church that is not reaching out in love, but rather huddled around itself, is just a club with stained glass windows.”

The pastor is not responsible to do all your “Christian stuff” for you.

Every pastor spends a great deal of time visiting folks in the hospital, nursing homes or jail, giving time to soup kitchens and other charitable endeavors, working hard at raising awareness for missions. But it is not the pastor’s job to do them for you. If you as a Christian aren’t visiting the folks in the hospital, nursing home or jail, then you are failing to do your job. Many people say, ‘but that’s the pastor’s job.’ Wrong. That’s a Christian’s job.” Read Matthew 25.

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