
School years are successful when  you have all your tools ready and at hand. Here is your chance  to start the year off wonderful and…

School years are successful when  you have all your tools ready and at hand. Here is your chance  to start the year off wonderful and…

The march was organized by the “Big Six” leaders of the civil rights movement: A. Philip Randolph, Whitney M. Young, Jr., Dr. Martin Luther King,…

Many teachers are overworked and under-appreciated. A kind word does go a long way. Speaking in positive ways opens up the lines of communication so…

Parents who take an active interest in their child’s work and school well-being are one of the biggest contributors to a students’ success. Make it…

Fear is an illusion that we buy into and believe in, simultaneously forgetting about our strengths, brilliance, and resilience. We give fear so much power…

Two days before I moved into my new place earlier this month, I wondered where the remaining funds would come from. I’d done the math…

I Give Myself Permission To Say “No” Have you ever had to say no before and feel conflicted about doing so? Many times we make…

In today’s world monetary worries often outweigh personal ones. Let’s focus on being financially successful. What does what entail? Build a budget that is reasonable…

Kim Burrell opened the show  with “Don’t Count Me Out”. She explained that she had survived losing people she loved and belted out a song…


Laughter is a great thing. It is a gift from God. Sometimes we Christians get way too pious for own good. I had a spiritual…

By Esih Efuru Life is sure to place us upon a board of chess. Whether we cohabitate grief or marry faith during our experiences will determine the end of our story. Job was a wealthy and favored man in the bible whose traumatic experience set the bar for the term “real talk”. After being dealt […]