News One

Activist groups will stage a die-in Tuesday afternoon in Washington, D.C. to protest the Republican Party's latest plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.

The Black History museum announced that it installed a display honoring the nation’s second African-American high court justice. His long omission angered conservatives.

Kneeling alongside the Dallas Cowboys for the Monday Night Football game was never about the “equality,” that team owner Jerry Jones insisted it was.

News One

Aside from being a desperate piece of click bait, Piers Morgan’s defense of White people using the word “nigga” is misguided at best and perhaps racist at worst.

A judge threw out the wrongful conviction of Lamar Johnson after three new witnesses came forward to say he was not the gunman.

News One

Black lives have had a centuries-long history of not mattering as much as their White counterparts.

News One

The council met to vote on censuring the councilman who told black women to sit down.

A new generation of African judges are raising questions about wearing the white horsehair wigs that are a symbol of British domination.

A Russian diplomat said Morgan Freeman was “roped” into doing a video that urges Americans to fight Russia over tampering of the U.S. presidential election.

Black civil rights leaders are urging Congress to act immediately in passing the bipartisan DREAM Act in the wake of President Trump’s decision to rescind the DACA program.

News One

The NAACP contends that the Trump administration unlawfully defaulted on America’s commitment to protect young, undocumented immigrants of color living in the United States.