A Black Cincinnati police officer is under investigation by his department for a Facebook post that essentially delivers what is commonly known in the Black community as “the talk.” In the since-deleted post, officer Freddie Vincent urged friends and family to comply with the demands of White officers if stopped “because they are looking for a […]

The conspiracy theories have already started to fly on social media as racial tensions rise over the deaths of two unarmed Black men, Philando Castile and Alton Sterling, followed by the deadly ambush of five Dallas, Texas police officers, who were allegedly shot by a lone Black man. The loss of life on both sides […]

It has been announce that President Barack Obama and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will make a campaign stop here in the Queen City next Tuesday, July 5.  The event will mark their first campaign stop together. Details on the event are forthcoming.


The Court failed to reach a decision on United States v. Texas, No. 15-674, likely due to the empty Supreme Court seat.


In an effort to ramp up the fight against the Islamic State, more than 50 State Department officials have signed an internal memo urging the Obama administration to carry out military strikes against Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad, according to CNN. The strikes against Assad’s regime would urge change in the only measure to defeat ISIS, writes […]

Much has changed, but a lot has stayed the same since tragedy unfolded a year ago at "Mother" Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina.

The 13 speeches against the thousand mass shootings that have occurred in his second term speak to the enormous amount of work that must be done to change the gun control debate in America.


Trump turned 70 on Tuesday. We'd like to think that with age comes wisdom, but Trump has clearly demonstrated that is not case.