The way different people think about time is important to consider because by seeing life from a past, present, or future perspective could affect your life in a variety of ways. While past-oriented people see life as something involved with tradition, future thinkers are always planning for upcoming events, even if they’re years away. Those […]

Have you ever realized what happens when you start something new? You have so many high expectations for yourself, yet still harbor a mixture of excitement and fear since you don’t know what to expect. A lot of times, these feelings dissipate and you’re left with the event in its entirety, ultimately free to do […]

It’s the summer – the sun’s out, hammocks are in style. What better way to relax in the summer breeze than by opening a good book? Reading is a great way to unwind outside and enjoy the weather while also exercising your mind – however, with the world being busier than ever these days, a […]

For the last day or so, I’ve been thinking a lot about birthdays. That might be because I just had mine yesterday, but it’s also been on my mind for a while because the summertime has always felt like the perfect time for reflection. The air just feels different in the summer: people are traveling […]