In this edition of GRIFF’s Prayer, he says he comes to the Lord with the gift of interpretation. He says a mosquito has just walked into church with a lot on its little mosquito heart. With the rise of the Zika Virus, and paranoia spreading, this little mosquito feels like his life has been changed […]

Public health experts claim that the virus has seen a dramatic increase in spite of efforts made to diminish the number of individuals affected.


The White House is pressuring Congress to pass a $1.9 billion bill to provide emergency funding for Zika.

Raising alarm, scientists in Brazil show that a more common mosquito can carry the Zika virus. But it's undetermined if the species can transmit the virus to humans.


Scores of mourners gathered at the First Corinthian Baptist Church in Harlem on Monday to say their final farewells to award-winning journalist Michael J. Feeney.