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Buy The Best Bike Boo

Okay so get your credit card ready. But first, when looking at bikes look over this quick guide for all the pros and cons:

Road Bikes: These babies are lightweight, and therefore able to cover more distance at higher speeds than heavier bikes. However get ready for a stiff/not so comfy ride and many flat tires. But if your commute is long lady, a road bike is your number one choice.

Fixed Gear Bikes: These lightweight and low maintenance bikes are perfect for the FitGirl looking to getting the maximum amount of exercise. Hills will be difficult and coasting is off the table, however these babies are usually also beauties. Just FYI.

Mountain Bikes: Don’t know how to change flats, no worries since this type of bike is nearly flat resistant. You can take these two wheels off-road since they are adaptable to on-road and off-road commutes. However if you have to get to work fast or have to carry your bicycle around, be weary of how slow and heavy this one can be.

Hybrid Bikes: Like it’s name suggests, this option is the best of the top three options. It is lightweight, the higher speeds and gear system is quite sophisticated and speed is so not an issue. However be ready to drop a bit more dough since hybrid bikes tend to be quite expensive. 

Folding Bikes: If space, portability and price are important to you then a folding bike is your winner. They break down and come together easily however if the terrain along your commute is anything but flat then beware boo.

Electric Bikes: No energy, no problem – the built-in motor will help keep you dry and not so sweaty in your work clothes. However this heavy hot wheel is going to cost you a pretty penny. But hey if you are into scooters and motorcycles you may appreciate this easy to charge option. 

Don’t Forget To Pimp Your Ride!

Buying the bike is the hard part, but what a shame it would be to have a super RAD bike only to have it stolen. So invest in a good lock like the Kryptonite, or even some premium bolts like the Pinhead Locks. All this stuff adds up, but certainly beats buying a whole new bike. I also love a good basket. Makes all those grocery runs and picnics in the park much easier to manage. And of course safety first sis – always rock a helmet. I love the ones they have over at Bell Helmets

Robbie Ann Darby (RAD Experience) is a professional FitGirl, Group Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer in NYC. Follow her sweaty life on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for more fun health and fitness tips!


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Hot Wheels: How Biking To Work Can Change Your Life!  was originally published on

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