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How to declutter

Source: kate_sept2004 / Getty

Look around. It’s pretty evident that living in excess has become a comfortable lifestyle. Although it provides comfort, it may not always be practical, which is why an increasing number of individuals are embracing a minimalist lifestyle. Minimalism is encompassed around simplicity and intentionality. The idea of prioritizing quality over quantity creates a space that welcomes an approach to living focused on mindfulness and being aware of unnecessary money spent.

Less is more.

As a minimalist, happiness isn’t found in the items purchased and the money spent, but rather the experience that comes from living a life full of happiness and self-discovery. Decluttering both the physical and mental untidiness in your life aids in being able to focus more clearly on what matters most. If you’re considering shifting your perspective on quality of life and want to come on over to a less stressful and clutter-free way of living, below are six ways to jumpstart your approach to starting a minimalist lifestyle.

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1 .Set Goals

Once you have made up your mind to follow a minimalist way of living, it’s important that you get personal about the goal you have in mind. Are you focusing on uprooting your entire approach to how you live or are you only focused on the appearance of your home? Do you want to declutter both your mental and physical space? In most cases, one will say both go hand-in-hand. You can’t have a minimalist space and not have a mindset that is equally simplistic. Getting real specific about your goal will assist in a smoother execution.

2. Activate Decluttering

After you have a goal in mind, it’s time to get down to the nitty gritty and remove all things that are unnecessary and weigh you down in your home and in your mind. Starting with your humble abode, the best way to begin is removing one thing at a time. If you pace yourself instead of just removing everything you see, you can be more intentional with the decluttering process. Usually the kitchen and bedroom (specifically the closet) are the eyesore areas that need a lot of attention. Once you’ve mastered decluttering your home, you can move on to decluttering your thoughts, your phone (including photos, apps, unwanted numbers and emails), and anything else that may be disrupting your mental space.

3. Incorporate A Capsule Wardrobe

They’ve become a huge trend over the past couple of years. The idea of owning a few staple clothing items that can easily be interchangeable allows one to create multiple outfits for various occasions over time. The idea of shopping in your closet is somewhat exciting knowing you don’t have to swipe your card and you have the opportunity to possibly put an outfit together that you’ve never worn before.

4. Be Thankful For What You Have

Finding gratitude in your current possessions makes you less prone to feeling the need to overspend and constantly have something new in your proximity. Realizing that what you have is more than enough, creates a sense of thankfulness and eliminates impulsive purchasing.

5. Eat To Nourish Your Body

Adopting this minimalist lifestyle also includes rearranging your thoughts when it comes to food. Food is delicious, we all know that, but sometimes we tend to overindulge when we’re bored or simply feel like we are in need of something more. Eating to fuel and nourish your body with the necessary nutrients, opposed to eating to feel full is what your main focus should be. If you already have groceries at home, make a nice meal with what you have instead of spending extra money eating out. Use what you have first and make room for what you aspire to have. Treat yourself, yes! But moderation is key.

6. Out With The Old, In With The New

Long gone are the days of buying something just to buy it and say you got something new. It’s okay to treat yourself, but be more diligent about your purchases. If there is something you have your eye on, get rid of something you already have in your possession before you bring in a similar item. Implementing this minimalist rule where you purge what you already have, prior to adding on something new, allows you to maintain order without cluttering up your space.

Out With The Old, In With The New: 6 Ways To Adopt A Minimalist Lifestyle  was originally published on