
Summer Fun II Photograph by Suzanne Gaff Take these cues to Elev8 your Summertime spirit. Summer comes with its own set of problems. Kids being out of school and bored, coping with the heat and the desire to take time off are just some of what we all deal with during this season. Here are […]

President Obama relieved Gen. Stanley McChrystal of his Afghanistan command today and replaced him with former Iraq War top general David Petraeus. Obama said he accepted McChrystal’s resignation with “great regret,” but added that it’s “the right thing for our mission in Afghanistan” because his comments in a magazine article did not “meet the standard” […]

Have you ever been in an area of your city and was unable to communicate with its residents due to a language barrier? You remember the frustration you felt?

During extremely hot weather, you should take the following precautions: ·       Stay indoors as much as you can, on lower floors if possible. ·       Limit exposure to the sun and use sun block with a high sun protector factor rating (at least 15 spf) if you must be outdoors. ·       If your home does not […]

Courtesy of Want to get away? Here are ten vacation spots for you to pick from during the summer months: 1. Capri, an island off Italy’s coast is one of the most beautiful places you will ever see. 2. The Hamptons… Sand, vineyards, estates, what more could you ask for. 3. Greek islands in […]

      Just a couple of months ago,  there were major recalls from Toyota and other car companies.  That seemed to have caused consumers to lose confidence in the industry.  It’s been a while now and other news dominates the headlines.  MSN did a story on how the industry is doing now.   One question […]

With Father’s Day is only a stones throw away, why not get him something that won’t end up in the next yard sale. We’ve put together a short but sweet list of the best gifts for your dad this Father’s Day that will have no choice but to love dearly. Check them out! 1. Sony […]

Courtesy of It’s time to step back and think about those people who are struggling just to get by. From the flooding in Nashville to the oil spill along the Gulf Coast states, 2010 has been a year full of heartache. These people should know they are not alone in their fight to get […]

As Father’s Day gets closer, I find myself leaning towards the classic card and Best Buy gift certificate.  But not only does Dad order whatever he wants from online shopping networks, but the amount of money that I could put on a gift card would maybe get him a few CD’s (if he’s lucky).  As […]

Can a hardworking, devoted teacher be fired for her sexual activities outside of school in her own home? Apparently, she can.

Courtesy of: Remaining spiritual and keeping faith in God can be difficult at times, especially when times are at their toughest. Take the millions of people affected by the Gulf oil spill. It must be very difficult for them to face every day and hold strong to their beliefs that everything will be alright. […]

Courtesy of Sleep is an integral part of getting through the work day without feeling tired. Most adults and teenagers spend a lot time talking about how much sleep they need to get, but oftentimes don’t take their own advice. Many people stay awake into the wee hours of the morning either watching TV […]