News One

The lawsuit filed by Gwynn's family is seeking unspecified damages. His family says the company purposely targeted Gwynn to market their products to African-Americans.


Dr. Jennifer Caudle explained on NewsOne Now that many African-Americans don't realize how important sleep is and many of us take it for granted. According to Caudle, the average American should get seven to eight hours of sleep a night. Unfortunately, the majority of the American populace does not reach this mark.

The athlete told Roberts he was thankful for all the love and support. Leah also exclaimed, "[I feel] really good" during the interview.


Who's tougher than defensive tackle Devon Still? His daughter, Leah.

Breast-Cancer, National

According to researchers, denser breasts make it harder to detect cancer in a mammogram because non-cancerous fatty cells could show up as white on a mammogram, the same as cancerous fatty cells.

Thousands of women (and men) are banding together to share their stories and fight to find a cure for breast cancer. With October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, social media activists have sought to maintain a culture of awareness for the better -- and sometimes the worse.

A 23-year-old father says desperation led him to rob a Michigan bank so he could pay for his daughter's chemotherapy treatments.

Marcy Borders, the woman whose image defined the 9/11 attacks, has died from stomach cancer.

The 18 year-old Khameyea Jennings from Jacksonville, Florida who was taken to prom by Jacksonville Jaguars defensive tackle Sen’Derrick Mark, passed away on Thursday. Jennings, who…

News One

Are you a clean-freak? Do you spend your time cleaning, wiping, disinfecting, dousing yourself in hand sanitizer and constantly washing things down in an attempt…