
When the world learned of Cecil the Lion’s death at the hands of a rich American dentist, the world wept over the loss and called…


Following the unveiling of legislation that may defund Planned Parenthood, democratic presidential candidate and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said Wednesday the move is “an attack…

Henry Davis, a man brutally beaten by the police after a traffic stop, may finally get justice thanks to a recent court decision.

As Republicans have been leading campaigns to close Planned Parenthood clinics, they’ve been leaving us without options to protect ourselves.

In a letter to Congress, a lawyer for Planned Parenthood on Monday said that the deceptively edited video released last week by anti-abortion activists is…

Planned Parenthood Federation of America has denounced a secretly recorded video that purported to show one of its senior administrators discussing the sale of fetal organs obtained…

Footage released by the Center for Medical Progress suggests that Planned Parenthood is conducting illegal termination practices to fuel their participation in selling aborted baby body parts.


Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback on Tuesday signed a measure that made his state the first to ban a procedure used for most second-trimester abortions, according…

Planned Parenthood has had many things come to light this year. A Planned Parenthood affiliate in Iowa has allegedly filed nearly one-half million false claims…

The Issues4Life Foundation and The Radiance Foundation, launched  TooManyAborted.Com abortion awareness and pro-adoption themed campaign, entitled “BLACK&BEAUTIFUL.” This Black American led initiative exposes Planned Parenthood’s racist and eugenics-based history and unaltered course. Sixty (60) “BLACK&BEAUTIFUL” billboards are placed throughout Oakland. Billboards such as the below have started Is Today’s Generation Lost? [OPINION] June serves as […]

VIA: The Network of Politically Active Christians–a conservative African American group–recently held a press conference in Virginia to call attention to what they see as the “unethical, immoral and racist practices of the largest abortion provider in America,” Planned Parenthood. NPAC’s Dean Nelson executive director said PP has always targeted the Black community and […]