A new poll from Elon University shows that President Obama and Gov. Mitt Romney are tied in North Carolina. Each candidate received 45 percent of…

In a Newsone essay, First Lady Michelle Obama talks about the importance of every voice being heard and counted, about a fight that never ends.…

In a Newsone essay, First Lady Michelle Obama talks about the importance of every voice being heard and counted, about a fight that never ends.…

Ever since President Obama expressed public support for same-sex couples right to marry, many have suggested black churches and clergy wouldn’t support the president. Rev. Otis…

Vice President Joe Biden will speak at the NC Music Factory on Tuesday. Tickets were made available to the public over the weekend. Biden’s speech…

The streets signs are being spruced up, banners are being unfurled and security plans are being finalized. Whether you’re a Republican or a Democrat, the…

The Supreme Court handed President Obama a major campaign victory today by upholding the President’s landmark healthcare act. Parts of the act have slowly been…

Courtesy of Majic Atl President Barack Obama is stopped by Atlanta’s iconic restaurant, the Varsity, to grab a hot dog. The president is in town…

It’s My Affair a Charlotte-based business was one of the 13 vendors awarded event planning contracts for the Democratic National Convention’s delegation parties this fall.…

It’s My Affair and The Main Event were two of the 13 vendors awarded event planning contracts for the Democratic National Convention’s delegation parties this…

Less than 24 hours after NC voters approved an amendment defining marriage as a legal union between a man and a woman, President Obama expressed…

I’ve always had a love loathe relationship with Rev. Al Sharpton. As a child, I watched Sharpton standing in front of any and every television…