They Got Money for Wars, But Can’t Feed the Poor and can’t supply housing for the homeless! They boast that Unemployment is DOWN! OK, but there is a bigger picture that we are missing! What kind of jobs are people working and how much are they getting paid to not be unemployed? If you’re working […]

FOOD FOR THOUGHT! We get up, get dressed and push to be at work on time. We give our best, we push for promotions, opportunities and make sure we give our bosses and supervisors respect. We try to be understanding and be kind to our colleagues.  Sometimes we even joke and play and might even […]

When God follows through on his promise to you, and you take care of what He has given you, HE will take care of you so you can take care of what he gave you. SO stop doubting and worrying! Keep your faith open, trust God, and watch Him come through again, with what you NEED to keep what He gave you! This was actually written for myself, BUT I KNOW, this is also for somebody else! Umph!