Via: // Any person who has come close to encountering their spiritual selves knows that sooner or later, fear becomes a wall that is seemingly impossible to break through. Embarking on the spiritual journey is like sailing alone out on the ocean to explore the unknown. Like all explorers we are drawn to discover […]

Via: // We all have stressful lives full of anger, anxiety and commotion. It is important to find a significant amount of time to relax and breath. Yet, it is the unfortunate reality that most of us do not have the luxury of meditating  for an hour every day, or spending time to do […]

By Robin Downes via: // 1) You Ask. Desires are the natural by-product of your exposure to this environment of fantastic variety and contrast. 2) The universe answers. This is the non physical, the god force. Every point in your consciousness is answered by the universe. Every question is answered, every desired is given. […]

By Robin Downes via: // There are simple ways to provide temporary relief and release from negative emotions and experiences. You must not pass judgment on yourself for having angry or sad feelings, but you must commit to taking this process to a deeper level to heal your emotional state. These some examples of […]

Via: 1) Every person you see, you should give a gift to. Whether it be a compliment, a plant, or a blessing. This will create love and joy to you and to those around you. 2) You must allow yourself to receive whatever gift the world has to offer you. Embrace the gifts of […]

Via: The affects that food has on our physical health are widely known, what is less known is the affect food can have on our mood, memory, and mind. Food filled with sugar and carbohydrates can result in not only weight gain, but also memory loss and depression. Nevertheless, food with the right amount […]

Via: // Research shows that community service can improve health and decrease stress. The New York Times conducted a study where Cami Walker, a woman with multiple sclerosis, did a good deed a day for 29 days. This of course did not cure her, but gave her a newfound ability to cope with her […]